Gi’s Soapbox

An Origin Story
Gi Gonzales Gi Gonzales

An Origin Story

One of my favorite things about comics are the editor’s notes. I like calling my blog/personal anecdotes page my soapbox, because like Stan’s soapbox, hopefully it lets you in on the heart of why I make things.

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My First Videos
Gi Gonzales Gi Gonzales

My First Videos

The highlight of my highschool video career was when we made a music video for Sleeper Agent’s ‘Get Burned’ and they reposted it on their FaceBook.

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My Prom Proposal
Gi Gonzales Gi Gonzales

My Prom Proposal

My traumatic prom experience. At least I got some content from all this.

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A Catalyst
Gi Gonzales Gi Gonzales

A Catalyst

Learning about my different influences who started their career in New York was like reading a comic book origin story.

It was lore, like how Hal Jordan got his ring or how the force flows through all living beings.

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