My Prom Proposal

I started to become the film kid around school. There was this girl I had a crush on, and I came up with a big plan to ask her out for prom. She had just broken up with her boyfriend, and all her friends were pushing me to take her. We were both on the morning broadcast news together and would sometimes be co-anchors. I volunteered to make a commercial for prom. You can probably see where this is going.

During the broadcast rehearsal, I snuck in a fake video and worked it out with the tech for him to play my real prom video: one where I ask her to prom in front of the whole school on the morning news. She said yes and I was excited.

I thought I made a good video so I posted it on FaceBook. Well, her ex-bf saw it and they ended up getting back together before prom. Yup, I took her to prom and walked her to her boyfriends car at the end.


My First Videos


A Catalyst